Bhutan Insider

一生必去的神秘國度 - 不丹。Bhutan Insider 專門為旅客提供不丹深度遊的服務。我們致力帶領旅客探索不丹,提供個性化的旅遊服務,讓每位旅客都能體驗不丹的獨特文化與自然美景。Bhutan Insider specialises in providing travel services in Bhutan. We are dedicated to offering travellers an unforgettable experience that combines the culture and natural beauty of the Kingdom.

Solo / couples / families & friends

Private Tours

我們的私人定制遊專為希望體驗不丹獨特魅力的旅客設計。無論您是尋求靈修之旅、文化探索、或是自然探險,我們的專業團隊將根據您的興趣和需求,精心設計旅遊行程。Our private tours service is designed for travelers who seek to experience the unique charm of Bhutan. Whether you are interested in a spiritual journey, cultural exploration, or nature adventures, our professional team will craft a personalized itinerary based on your interests and needs.

monthly tour

Group Tours

希望與志同道合的人一同展開靈修之旅的旅客,將有機會在不丹這片靈氣濃厚的土地上,進行冥想、靜修和心靈療癒,參訪不丹著名的寺廟和修道院。我們的專業導遊將帶領您走進不丹的內在世界,探索靈性與智慧的深度,從而重新發現自我。For those who wish to embark on a spiritual journey with like-minded individuals, we offer unique group tours. Visitors will have the opportunity to meditate, retreat, and heal their souls on this spiritually charged land, while visiting Bhutan's renowned temples and monasteries.

Cultural / spiritual / Buddhist

Discover the Hidden Gems!

不丹,這個隱藏於喜馬拉雅山脈中的瑰寶,以其純淨的自然美景與深厚的文化底蘊著稱。跟隨我們的步伐,開始一段非凡的精神之旅,發掘不丹隱藏的珍奇之處,感受這片土地的靈性魅力。Each of our tour is meticulously crafted to provide a journey that fosters inner peace and enlightenment while exploring Bhutan. Nestled in the Himalayas, Bhutan is a hidden gem renowned for its pristine natural beauty and rich cultural heritage.


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